Christian Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry> 
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Highest Point In North Dakota

This was an eight day exploration trip through Montana and North Daklota to make contacts
and collect information and photos for use in our creation presentations. (No ministry funds were used for this trip.)

Exploration and Research Trip

We climbed to the highest point in North Dakota and left a bunch of million dollar bill tracts in the metal box that is barely visible in the pile of rocks in the above photo. That's our climbing guide balancing on the elevation marker.

Exploration and Research Trip

The #1 tourist attraction in North Dakota is the Madora Musical. We handed out tracts in the town of Madora just to see what would happen. What happened was that people smiled and took the tracts, just like they do everywhere else.

Exploration and Research Trip

Exploration and Research Trip

Exploration and Research Trip

Above Left: one of the best dinosaur museuims I've been to is the Glendive Dinosaur And Fossil Museum in Glendive, Montana. Use thos link to learn more about this great museum:

Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum (Montana)

Above: When we stopped at Pictograph Cave State Park in Montana we noticed huge concretions stuck in the cliffs. The only way this could have happen was if there was a massive flood such as Noah's Flood.

Left: The dinosaur tracks we show in our evangelism booth are Ceolophysis tracks. We got a picture of a ceolophysis model in the Dakota Dinosaur Museum

Overall we visited five dinosaur and fossil museums, met with several pastors, made some new friends, handed out a few tracts, and got some good pictures for future creation seminars.


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